The Question about Paying Taxes - Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap him in what he said. So they sent their disciples to him, along with
The Question about Paying Taxes - Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap him in what he said. So they sent their disciples to him, along with
Paying Taxes to Caesar Read the Bible Ask a Question Get an Answer Donate Questions Books CUVS Sign UpLogin Bible Mark 12 13後 来 , 他们打发几个法利赛人和几个希律党的人到耶稣那里 , 要就着他的话陷害他。14他 们来了 , 就对他说 : 夫子 , 我们知道你是诚实的 , 甚麽人你都不徇情面 ; ...
4 Just three days before Jesus’ arrest, the Pharisees tried to get Jesus to say something incriminating on the matter of paying taxes. 4 Isua an man hma ni thum nîah khân, Pharisaite chuan Isua chu chhiah chawi chungchângah thu sawi sualtîr an tum a. jw2019 One writer...
He then presents a detailed study of politics in... PD Hanson 被引量: 1发表: 2015年 Putting the Substance Back into The Economic Substance Doctrine The foreign tax credit, which saves U.S. taxpayers from paying both foreign and domestic income taxes on the same income, is critical to ...
CNVS Sign UpLogin Bible Paying Taxes to CaesarLuke 2019 经学家和祭司长知道这比喻是针对他们说的,当时就想动手拿他,可是又害怕群众。 20 以纳税的事问难耶稣(太22:15-22;可12:13-17)经学家和祭司长差派奸细伪装好人去窥探耶稣,要抓着他的把柄,好把他交由总督全权裁决。 21 奸细问他:“老师,我们...
h. Paying taxes to Caesar (22:15-22) Jesus now has a series of confrontations with his enemies... PLUS Save 20% on yearly plans and access $3,100 worth of biblical study resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get...
Bible Paying Taxes to CaesarMark 1213 以纳税的事问难耶稣(太22:15-22;路20:19-26)后来,他们派了几个法利赛人和希律党的人到耶稣那里去,要找他的把柄来陷害他。 14 他们来到了,就对他说:“老师,我们知道你为人诚实,不顾忌任何人,因为你不徇情面,只照着真理把 神的道教导人。请问纳税给凯撒可以不可以...