“… the Tory MP Mark Garnier stated that although 2.2 million people are employed in financial services in the UK no more than “tens of thousands” would be involved in selling anything to the rest of the EU …” and taking that as 22,000 out of 2.2 million it would be 99% of per...
Therefore, we have included 'Employed', a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 when the respondent holds a regular job, in the selection equation. A drawback is that multicollinearity—with, for example, 'Age'—can affect the coefficients of the other socio-demographic variables in the ...
Therefore, we have included ‘Employed’, a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 when the respondent holds a regular job, in the selection equation. A drawback is that multicollinearity—with, for example, ‘Age’—can affect the coefficients of the other socio-demographic variables in the...