I’ve been trying to pay for multiple extras for sims 4 and its declining my cvv (or csc as they like to call it) number and i keep having to take my card information out and re putting in just to even get passed that error. I’ve spoken to my bank and there is money in my...
I have not seen the USAA or Pepsi ads in a few days. The ones I have seen lately that are not paying out rewards are: Bose noise canceling headphones with Aaron Rodgers. NFL knit hats with Dak Prescott. Please address the issue with these ads....
Note in this respect that in Batista and Vicente's [61] field experiment in rural Mozambique participating farmers were all given a mobile money 'information module', comprising a simple phone, a verbal introduction to the mKesh service, registration on mKesh by the enumerators, and seed money...