When you use your credit card abroad, you will often be given the option to be charged in your home currency (i.e., instead of being charged in euros, they will charge you in US dollars). Never say yes. The rate at which they are converting the currency is always worse than the ra...
We prefer to accept payment in US dollars (USD), Australian dollars (AUD) or Euros (€)
Overweight fee (up to 99 pounds): $150 per bag; $150/120 pounds/140 euros per bag for transatlantic flights (bags that exceed 70 pounds not accepted on transatlantic flights) Oversize fee (up to 80 inches, including wheels and handles): $150 per bag; $150/120 pounds/140 euros on tra...
charge - pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt; "Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?" pay cash - pay (for something) with cash defray - bear the expenses of kick back - pay a kickback; make an illegal payment prefe...
1. Re: Navigo Week Pass or Paying train/buses by credit card as we Apr 17, 2024, 3:41 PM Save Agent X44...the weekly Navigo D pass is now a little less than 31 euros and it usually starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday. Since you arri...
We prefer to accept payment in US dollars (USD), Australian dollars (AUD) or Euros (€)
Nice food and service but check credit card transaction before paying Nice food and good service. Unfortunately, I failed to notice that the waiter charged me in US dollars instead of euros which meant I was technically charged twice by my credit card for the two e...
Now I am trying to make a purchase with a paysafecard again, but instead of letting me place the card 16 digits it forces me to create a paysafe account in order to make payments. Is anyone else having this problem? Was there a change in policies regarding this method?
Certain online retailers and some airlines give their customers an option to pay in the local currency (e.g. in euros) or in francs. Our advice is clear: always pay the amount in the local currency – and not in Swiss francs. That’s the only way you’ll get a transparent credit ...
For those receiving remittances in France, it is important to note that there is a limit on the amount of cash they can receive in a single day. A person can only receive 500 Euros or less in cash per day. This helps to prevent money laundering and illegal activity that would otherwise...