PayPal s'efforce de vous proposer vos modes de paiement préférés à travers une seule expérience de paiement. Lorsque vous payez une facture, vous avez la possibilité d'utiliser les modes de paiement disponibles dans votre portefeuille PayPal ou d'autres modes de paiement. Tous les modes ...
Une partie de l’accord incluait les dettes dues par le Reich, à payer après la réunification de l'Allemagne. Part of the agreement concerned debts to be paid after the reunification of Germany. WikiMatrix Le prix à payer pour avoir épousé l’homme que tout le monde désire. ...
If you’ve received a money request or invoice that you aren't familiar with, don’t pay it. Don’t call any phone numbers stated in the invoice note or open suspicious links. You can report any unwarranted invoices or money requests by logging in to the PayPal website or the PayPa...
PayPal is working to offer your favorite payment methods in one checkout experience. When you pay an invoice, you’ll have the option to use payment methods available in your PayPal Wallet or additional payment methods. Not all payment methods are available in every mar...
If you’ve received a money request or invoice that you aren't familiar with, don’t pay it. Don’t call any phone numbers stated in the invoice note or open suspicious links. You can report any unwarranted invoices or money requests by logging in to the PayPal website or the PayPal ...