Agreements are completed on a Tax ID level, meaning if you bill with multiple tax id numbers for that provider each provider would need an agreement to be filled out. If you only have one tax id number, then only one agreement is needed. ...
XMLElement("FirstPartyReference", ext_fc.party_number) END ) payer, ext_fc.party_id, ext_fc.trxnmid FROM iby_ext_fc_payer_1_0_v ext_fc, fnd_lookup_values party_type_lookup, hz_locations hz_loc, fnd_territories_b terrb, fnd_territories_tl terrt WHERE ext_fc.bill_to_address_id=...
{ "Payment": { "Type": "CCA", "ProcessorTransactionId": "YGSaOBivyG0dzCFs2Zv0" }, "ErrorNumber": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success" } } Requesting the Validation Service For enrolled cards, the next step is to make a back-end, server-to-server call to requ...