Worksheet: Payed vs. paid Other interesting articles Uses of paid Paidis the past tense form of “pay.” It’s used to refer to the act of exchanging money for goods or services. As an irregular verb, “pay” does not receive the regular “-ed” suffix. ...
Payedandpaidhave the same pronunciations but different meanings. One can be used in nautical contexts, while the other has something to do with finances. Learn the difference betweenpaidandpayedwith sentence examples in this article. Payed vs. Paid Payedandpaidhave the same pronunciations but diff...
Paid vs Payed: What’s the Difference? Let’s start with a basic definition of each of these words: Payed: either to have sealed the deck of a ship to prevent leaks, or to straighten out a rope gradually Paid: either to have given someone money, or to have received a loss or misfor...
The definition of cash flow is A、Cash flow is the money received B、Cash flow is the money payed out C、Cash flow is the money that is received or paid out at a certain period D、Cash flow is the money received or spent 点击查看答案&解析...