Check payday lender reviews: Before you get a payday loan, see what other borrowers have said about the lender. If you’re considering an online payday lender, search the CFPB’s complaint database, the Better Business Bureau and forums like Reddit where users may share their experiences. If...
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Inspiration hit us when:As a part of our research, we wanted to talk to as many payday loan users as possible. As it turns out, payday lenders don’t like it when you hang out around their stores talking to all their customers. To hack the process, we got on Yelp and sent direct ...
Payday 2 Beta has been also released for PS3 and Xbox360 on August 13th 2013. The Beta is still available for purchase as digital copy on PS-Store/Xbox Live Store and as a disc version. ReceptionRight after the release of the game, it received positive reviews. Aggregating review web...
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