Are the Payday Loan Interest Rates High? Payday loans' interest rates are very high and vary from as low as 30% to around 400% or more depending on the state you live in and the type of loan. If you can afford the fee for these short term loans, always plan to pay back your loan...
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A better alternative would be to use the loan calculator on the site to get an idea of the rates associated with the loan amount you have in mind. With this information, you can determine your own affordability. Note however that the loan amount, the interest rate and the loan term may ...
While the UK now has a cap on the amount of interest that you can pay on your loan, you should still try to find a direct lender with the most competitive rates. You also need to ensure that the lender is UK based, and registered and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA...
If you're considering taking out a payday loan, you should first check out the personal loan calculator to determine the payday loan interest rate you can afford. This article will help you understand exactly what is a payday loan and how do payday loans work, the alternatives to payday ...