941 -- 1:47 App 【收获日3】新版本1.1.0 摘星行动(触摸天空)卡保安方法 352 -- 10:28 App 热火街头 9:44 世界纪录 2751 1 4:44 App 【收获日3】【生肉】新DLC来力!官方DLC预告视频【PAYDAY 3_ Dev Update 02】 2.1万 20 35:04 App 【元梦之星】单人速通关卡合集 549 -- 2:03 App 【...
https://youtu.be/Hiwk-gbT4Co?si=1lJUTHwyExJP6rIK Welcome to PAYDAY 3's newest Dev Update, where we talk about the 2.0.1 update, Jacket Character Pack, Twitch Drops, Don't Be A Hero, and more! Learn more in our blog post: https://www.paydaytheg......
This Dev Update focus on everything that's coming in the Boys in Blue DLC, as well as its accompanying free update. Links to mentioned blogs: DLC Pricing
PAYDAY 3: Roadmap Update It’s here(better late than never, right?)! The roadmap is available so you can view what we’ve added, what’s next, and what’s planned: View the Interactive Roadmap IGN Interview with Starbreeze at GamesCom And for anyone who would like, you can check ou...
PAYDAY 3: Update 1.0.2 Changelog A trulymassive update We know there werea lotof fixes last time around, but this time there’sa lotof fixes. To make things easier for everyone, we’ve picked a number of additions and fixes to highlight and put them here at the top. If, however, ...
Anniversary Update Part 1 Overview The countdown to the Payday 3 Anniversary Update Part 1 has begun. This update introduces Chapter 4 - Fear and Greed, the latest DLC in the Payday 3 Year One Roadmap. Gold Edition and Gold Pass owners of the game will have access to this expansion, whi...
There’s never been a better time to join the gang as PAYDAY 3 Year 1 Edition is out now bringing together all the best of the heisting experience. Today
Happy Friday, heisters! As the year is coming to an end we've been able to sit down and look at the past year. So for today's blogpost let's have that look together and some last words of the year from our Lead Producer. Blogpost can be found HERE Winter
【PAYDAY3】经典劫案回归 Update 1.0.2 Changelog PAYDAY 3: Update 1.0.2 Changelog 发布于 2023年11月30日 周四 22:39 CST 真正的大规模更新 我们知道上次有很多修复,但这次依旧有很多修复。为了让每个人都能更轻松,我们挑选了一些新增项和修复项置顶并突出显示。但是,如果您是那种想要知道每个细节的人,那么...
Happy blog day! 3 weeks ago we asked YOU how you felt about the modifiers in the game and for your overall feedback. Today we are happy to say what we’ve done with that feedback, and how we plan to implemented into the game moving forward😎 You can fi