在其中下载完mod后会发现是压缩包,我们只需要把压缩包解压后的主文件夹放入payday2的Mods文件夹里就行了 Mod中的高亮等特殊的mod安装方法 首先我们要在Payday2的主游戏目录中找到assets文件夹,在其中找到mod_overrides这个文件夹,如果没有的话可以自己创建一个,然后把高亮或...
4、将.dll文件粘贴至payday2的根目录下。 参考路径..\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2 5、直接开始游戏,会提示你下载基本模组,单击确定即可完成安装。 6、常用mod网站https://modworkshop.net或github modworkshop 7、会自行创建mods文件夹 将普通mod放到..\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\mods ...
比如hud 煮盐助手之类的 分享103 收获日2吧 mima6970861 常用mod补档吧里这些mod的链接基本都挂了,我来补档吧 3423 收获日2吧 埃及动画片 【MOD搬运及推荐】头一次弄搬运贴,如有不对的地方还请指正包涵本贴搬运的MOD基本来自modworkshop.net以及。按照MOD名字搜索或者作者名搜索即可搜到。本贴不会...
Such as Masks, Melee Weapons, Weapon Mods etc Editors Editors were moved to BeardLib-Editor a while ago, get them there BeardLib-Editor Documentation The main documentation can be found on the wiki for this repo. Download You can download a stable release from modworkshop: https://modwork...
More hot mods NoDetection Cheatworkshop version of Instant Detection mod from drprotogen ( Miscellaneous By RestyCZ 1KB 2 202 RinoHud See counters for pickup, civilians, guards, cameras and deployables, and timers for hacking directly on your hud, so you ...
Then copy the biglobby folder into the mods folder, found inside your Payday 2 directory. Run Payday 2. At the main menu you can change the settings for BigLobby at Options -> Mod Settings(Make sure you have the BLT mod enabled first). All players must use both the BLT mod and pdmo...
On day 2 of the Rat(sic) job, bring additional meth bags to the trade, but steal your payment instead. Christmas Calamity I'm dreaming of a Christmas where the cops all drink some bad eggnog and stay out of our way for a change. Complete the White Xmas, Santa's Workshop, and St...
Santa’s Workshop – Fixed an issue where sentry guns could be placed so that the cops could not destroy them Shacklethorne Auction – Fixed an issue where the auction manager could not be handcuffed in stealth Shacklethorne Auction – Fixed an issue where Shacklethorne Auction was listed in ...
(持续更新收获日2的地图编辑器界面简洁简单易学 MOD需要SuperBLT和BeardLib支持才能使用 编辑器放到mods里即可生效 编辑器下载地址: 下载编辑器后要再下载一个Data放进编辑器文件夹里 Data下载地址: 13716 收获日2吧 tuota2002 收获日2...
收获日2吧 巨蟹XXCOK [PAYDAY2MODS]个人MOD合集SOMETHING ABOUT MY MODS:部分MOD可能会影响您的游戏体验! 请谨慎选用。XD 列表:AFSF2:自动枪声修复(OVK做的实在太懒了,一发的子弹打出了1200+射速的感觉) Anti Stop the Cheater:防止了STC误判导致你的慢动作(FK) BagCooldownfix:运包冷却修复(大家可能不知道...