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這三款遊戲都將在2月4日至3月3日向PlayStation Plus會員開放。 PlayStation Plus的PS4遊戲更新內容 有鑑於我們有許多玩家目前皆於PS5上遊玩遊戲,每月遊戲和遊戲目錄福利已專注為兌換和存取PS5遊戲,PlayStation Plus也隨著此趨勢發展,從2026年1月開始將主要在每月遊戲及遊戲目錄福利中提供PS5遊戲。隨著我們轉換至PS5...
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PlayStation boss talks PS4 Pro, PS VR and mobile games The Last Guardian review: a flawed masterpiece PlayStation boss talks The Last of Us 2 and PSOne Mini Sony unveils chilling trailer for The Last of Us 2 Street Fighter V will be supported by Capcom until 2020 ...
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“In working with our partners at Starbreeze on the upcoming John Wick VR game, we realized that we had an opportunity to build on that success with Point Break while also embarking on an unprecedented collaboration with our colleagues at Alcon and Warner Bros,” Lionsgate president of interactiv...
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