Simple Mod Updater 简单的Mod更新 Sixth Sense Visual Effect 第六感视觉效果 Steelsights Steelsights Stop the crimespree loss on crash 阻止犯罪分子在坠机事件上的损失 The Diamond Puzzle Guide 钻石拼图指南 The Fixes 修复 Use perk device in vehicle 在车辆中使用振作装置 VanillaHUD Plus VanillaHUD + Weapo...
Simple Mod Updater 简单的Mod更新 Sixth Sense Visual Effect 第六感视觉效果 Steelsights Steelsights Stop the crimespree loss on crash 阻止犯罪分子在坠机事件上的损失 The Diamond Puzzle Guide 钻石拼图指南 The Fixes 修复 Use perk device in vehicle 在车辆中使用振作装置 VanillaHUD Plus VanillaHUD + Weapo...
2 weeks ago Tinker Steps:Custom Proton: GE-Proton9-21, Set launch options WINEDLLOVERRIDES="wsock32=n,b" gamemoderun %command% Instability:Occasionally The game crashes or freezes when loading into certain heists, a mod called The Fixes fixes most of them though. The game wouldn't launch...
PAYDAY 2’s 10th Anniversary – Ingame Community Event Joined again by our porcine friend, the golden piggy, we give all heisters the chance to work together and unlock fabulous rewards for the entire community. 2023-08-16 PAYDAY 2’s 10th Anniversary We invite you, dear heister to the ...
Added a Border Crystals support + fixes (#7) Nov 24, 2019 MethHelper A mod for PAYDAY 2 which notifies the player as to which meth ingredient is to be used. RequiresBLT. Mod will print the current required ingredient to the host of the mod (that's you) and nobody else. All message...
刚装了MOD想体验一下呢,结果点一下闪退一下,其他武器皮肤都没事就狮吼的这个皮肤不行,只要一应用就会闪退,没装MOD之前可以使用这个皮肤,在库里的一把装了这个皮肤的点改装也会闪退。装的mod只有BLT,VanillaHUD Plus和Extra Heist Info 分享1111 收获日2吧 3173852679s 求助我白宫终暮进去就闪退啊,那个the-fixes...
Update 236 Changelog Update size: 502.1MB Heist Fixes Hostile Takeover - Fixed a graphical issue with a prop inside one of the offices. Hostile Takeover - Body bags are now able to be thrown into the water, surrounding the ramp, closest to the guard boot
PD3 - Fixes And Improvements Miscellaneous Uploaded:03 Oct 2023 Last Update:01 Nov 2024 Author:xowny Uploader:xowny This mod addresses various aspects of the game, ranging from better loading times to latency reduction and overall stability. By implementing a combination of command-line options...
(笑),感谢昨天从贴吧而来看我直播陪伴我见证Payday2真正结局的各位。接下来我将告诉各位如何解开白宫彩蛋的成就。 第一阶段: 首先,你必须通关了后期所有的神秘学相关地图。来获得三个秘宝+1块黑曜石石板+英仙座大勋章,并且你还得通关白宫,解锁TheEnd。解锁The End之后你便可以在安全屋里把星盘(?)组装起来,然后...
The Fixes———修复游戏的一些bug VanillaHUD Plus———增强版wolf,功能更多更新也勤快 WolfHUD Damage Popup Standalone———wolf的击杀弹窗独立版 mod_overrides: 注:我自己做的mod全都是要放在这个文件夹里面的,所以自己做的在这里不做推荐,请移步我的另一个专栏自行查找,谢谢! Character Icons Polaroid...