FreeFlightCamera:自由视角MOD(XD)Hidden Content update:未知作用Hitsound:击杀/爆头音效(与csgo headshot有关系 嫌吵得可以取消勾选play headshot)Hold 2 Pick:按住F可以拾取零散现金(F:good!)hoxhud enemy circle:HOXHUD独立出来的血量显示 与悉尼HUD冲突,建议删除XDImproved Offline:更好的离线模式Instant Cardflip:...
注:PD anticheat建议关掉mod作弊检查,不然他基本是见人就咬 全速突击(Full Speed Swarm/fss)建议关掉,不然你会被条子们论剑的 Extra Heist Info 部分信息显示与vanillia hud 重合,可以自己选择。不过整体来看前者信息显示更齐全,drama值,各个流程(例如直升机抵达,撤离点解锁)倒计时更详细,看个人喜好。 包含模组名单:...
SuperBLT下载地址、安装方法: mod合集下载地址: 4-Player 4-Player Akron HC set sound fix 阿克伦HC设置声音修复 Amiya Amiya Ammo Pickup Amount in HUD HUD中的弹药拾取量 Aru_outfit Aru_outfit Auto Pickup Loose Items 自动取件 Bag ...
This mod makes numbers go above the enemies head when you hit them. a lot of huds have this like, vanilla hud and some others but some people dont use huds so i made this mod for people who dont use huds so they can enjoy the game without huds 0KB 0 -- Auto Cooker Scripts...
首先就是看mod列表了,虽然很多人都喜欢隐藏mod列表。最常见的pirate perfection,silient assassin,ultimate trainer,剩下的就要看自己的英语水平了,很多挂其实都把作用直接写在mod名上了。大多数开挂玩家的mod并不会很多,因为本来也就是开挂随便玩玩体验一下游戏就退游了,没必要装别的mod。但是我也见过上千小时mod一...
This is a Mod collection of several useful HUD altering mods. I've modified them and added features which I felt that were either needed or useful, or both. It was originally a recreated and updated version of GageHUD, since it was really painful to maintain with all the mixed up files...
按理来说这个脚本会在炸弹倒计时到一半的时候触发,而我写的是2秒延迟,你炸墙之后过了3~4秒这个脚本才被执行,说明这个脚本在炸墙完毕后才被触发。那么我猜测呢,你应该是装了比如说Performance comes first这样的mod,或者其它的什么优化类mod。这类mod会为当前的可执行脚本量设定一个上限,从而在代码执行拥堵的时候...
mod就只有香草HUD、betterbots和AI武器,没了 来自iPhone客户端2楼2023-10-14 03:20 回复 1ljc 多看置顶 3 救救孩子吧,捞捞 来自iPhone客户端4楼2023-10-14 09:22 回复 1ljc 多看置顶 3 救救 来自iPhone客户端5楼2023-10-14 10:00 回复 1ljc 多看置顶 3 捞捞,救救孩子吧 来自iPhone客...
All-In-One PAYDAY2 HUD mod. Contribute to SydneyMOD/SydneyHUD development by creating an account on GitHub.
- GameInfoManager: Added tracking of current hack for security locks 6年前 mod.txt Minor version bump. 6年前 wolfhud.png - mod.txt: Added missing flags & Logo (made by Kampfhörnchen). 8年前 Payday 2 HUD 暂无标签 Lua 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(27) 全部...