沪江词库精选payback period method是什么意思、英语单词推荐 回收年限法 相似短语 payback period method 回收年限法 payback period 投资回收期 payback period of investment 投资偿还年限 standard payback period of investment 标准投资偿还年限 payback method 【经】 回收期法 positive period method 正...
投资回收期法(Payback Period Method) 又称“投资返本年限法”。是计算项目投产后在正常生产经营条件下的收益额和计提的折旧额、无形资产摊销额用来收回项目总投资所需的时间,与行业基准投资回收期对比来分析项目投资财务效益的一种静态分析法。 投资回收期指标所衡量的是收回初始投资的速度的快慢。其基本的选择标准是...
payback period计算公式 投资回收期(年)=n+(第n年年末尚未收回的投资额/第n+1年的现金净流量)。 投资回收期法(PaybackPeriodMethod)又称“投资返本年限法”。是计算项目投产后在正常生产经营条件下的收益额和计提的折旧额、无形资产摊销额用来收回项目总投资所需的时间,与行业基准投资回收期对比来分析项目投资财务...
Learn the meaning and purpose of the payback period method. Learn how to calculate the payback period, and understand the advantages and...
必应词典为您提供Discount-Payback-Period-Method的释义,网络释义: 折现回收期间法;回收后之现金流量;
Payback period is a financial or capital budgeting method that calculates the number of days required for an investment to produce cash flows equal to the original investment cost.
USCPA考试的报名时间、考试动态,高顿网校会在*9时间通知大家,敬请关注高顿网校*7考试动态【提示:Ctrl+D收藏此页面】。 Payback Period Method Formula:Net initial investment Increase in annual net after-tax cash flow Advantages -Easy to use and understandno co
payback period method 回收年限法 cash payback method 现金回收法 payback reciprocal method 【经】 回收期倒数法 payback time 回收期 product payback 产品回销;产品偿付系东欧共产国家所经常使用的一种贸易融资方式,即利用自国外进口的机器设备所生产的货品出口后的销售所得,或是进口货物经加工后的再出口(*...
The net present value method evaluates a capital project in terms of its financial return over a specific time period, whereas the payback method is concerned with the time that will elapse before a project repays the company's initial investment. Unlike the NPV method, the payback method fails...
Using the Payback Method In essence, the payback period is used very similarly to aBreakeven Analysis,but instead of the number of units to cover fixed costs, it considers the amount of time required to return an investment. Given its nature, the payback period is often used as an initial ...