选择Pay-easy 后,买家可以选择通过 ATM 或网上银行完成支付,以下为每种方法的用户体验。 Pay-easy(通过ATM) 使用Ant 页面支付 下图展示了使用 Ant 页面支付的流程: 用户选择 Pay-easy 进行支付。 用户跳转到 Ant 页面。 用户填写所需信息后点击Continue。 用户跳转到中间页并选择 ATM。 用户获取 ATM 支付码,前...
Figure 2. Payment process with Pay-easy ATM (First-time payment) Future payments Future payments apply to buyers who save their information in the first-time payment. This allows them to skip the step of collecting their information again to make quick payments. Figure 3. Payment process with ...
Pay-easy是指无需在金融机构的柜台或便利店的收银台排队,能够通过电脑或智能手机、ATM,实现网络购物付款或缴纳税金等的服务。不必在意时间段或地点, 只需输入编号的简单操作即可付款! 通过Payeasy,消费者网购时,不仅可以通过网银实现线上银行转账,还可以选择银行的ATM机进行线下支付。与便利店支付相比,Payeasy的自助支付...
Pay Easy ATM enables merchants to reach shoppers without a bank card
I want to pay charges via bank ATM/Pay-easy (I received a bill / I lost the bill) Before the payment Service fees Method of payment Has your problem been solved? Yes No
有姐妹买相册选了pay easy支付的吗[允悲][允悲][允悲][允悲][允悲]我选了非信用卡支付之后,给我发了邮件说支付番号,然后给了网址让选便利店还是ATM还是网银的支付方式,可是无论怎么点都没反应啊[允悲][允悲][...
ATM Services Double the convenience for new and returning customers with Impact PaySystem’s ATMs and ATM services. Learn More Lodging/Hotels Never too big, never too small – your services are always just right with our services for lodging and hotel merchants. ...
Learn how to pay your bills quickly and easily online using your mobile device or computer. Automatic payments so that you never miss a payment deadline.