Apple Pay is an easy way to pay in stores, online, and in apps. Use it to pay in full, over time, or with rewards. It’s safe, secure, and private.
Then add a credit or debit card by tapping the back of your iPhone with your eligible card.1 You’ll have the option to add your card to your other devices at the same time. When you want to pay, just double-click, tap, and you’re set. You still get all your card’s rewards ...
Landlords respond positively to those wishing to pay by voucher only half as often as to those indicating no such desire. Within the set of apartments eligible for voucher rent limits, the voucher penalty increases with monthly rent. Landlord behavior places quantitatively important restrictions on ...
If coupons or vouchers are used in the transaction, the discount amount redeemed in the settlement currency will be returned. Otherwise, no return. Example:2.19 Parameters rejected by Alipay gateway: ParameterDescription is_success String(1)Required ...
Target physical store lets you pay with cash, gift cards, and vouchers. You can pay online with checking account as well Online payment requires that youlink your checking account to PayPal You can choose the method of payment at the checkout ...
With location-based notifications and real-time updates, your app integrates further with user mobility and spending. Give your users a convenient virtual wallet for their boarding passes, loyalty cards, and gift vouchers. Supported on Android ...
allowVoucherBooloptional - default value = falseTrue if your account supports voucher code- paymentWithCardTokenBoolrequiredIf true, the user will pay with a card token ( one of the saved cards or add new card to be saved )If false, the user will pay with card details without saving- ...
Shop the best online deals at PayPal UK. Save money with exclusive offers, voucher and discount codes for a wide variety of brands.
Top-up Voucher Amount`0.00`0.00Coupon amount (in quotation currency) Coupon Currency Type``NOT APPLICABLE Coupon Amount`0.00`0.00NOT APPLICABLE Wechat Refund Number(refund_id)``50202407752024031135708554321Wechat Pay's unique reference associated with the refund. ...
Note:goods_remark is a remark field that is returned unchanged. goods_tag is an order discount tag to distinguish whether an order can be discounted. Both fields are set when the voucher is configured in the WeChat backend. Response for failed request: ...