Plenty of enterprising individuals took to Craigslist to make an extra few bucks. [See the 10 deadliest jobs in America.] "Hi I have nothing to do tonight so I can stand online for you to get the iPhone 5," said one New York City post asking for $150 for an unspecified length of ...
You can sign up for Amazon Home Services, list your services on other sites and apps that provide in-home assembly and repair services, post on Craigslist in the service section, respond to inquiries on NextDoor, and mention your availability to everyone you know. c. Work as a Freelancer An...
Kondo mania is sweeping the nation, thanks toMarie Kondo's show on Netflix.Declutter your own home and profit by putting no-longer-used items up for sale on places such as Craigslist or eBay. My rule is that if I haven't used it or touched it in a year, get rid of it. You woul...
Remember, with Craigslist (and many other job websites), you want toavoid scams. If a job seems too good to be true, then skip it and look for something else. For example, no one is going to pay you $2,000 to answer the phone for the day or to mystery shop. Answer questions in...
I have someone who wants to pay lg amount of money for 5th wheel and then send a delivery service to pick it up with them only seeing it in pics on craigslist. They want my paypal account email address to put the money in. Is there a way this could be a scam? How l...
Buyer on Craigslist: Hello My name Is Kenny, i will love to make an instant purchase have seen the picture and am okey with it the price , please do withdraw the advert from the site.I don't mind adding an extra 50 dollars for you to take the advert d...
Help wanted: self-loathing ad employees to spill the beans. The article discusses a blogsite created by advertising executive Kennedy Grey of the Digital Pond Agency of San Francisco, California. Grey posted a Craigslist Inc. ad asking for bad advertising stories from people working in the indust...
You can quickly sell your items by listing them on sites like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. I have sold many items over the years and gotten paid the same exact day. It’s a great way to make money the same day with the things that you already have. ...
Caroline Praderio
There are a lot of scams on job search engines or community databases like Craigslist. Unfortunately, many of these are very compelling and lead people to apply. There isn’t much recourse when this happens, so you must be hyper-vigilant about checking out the company before accepting work. ...