Before you simply pay a fine for your traffic ticket, be sure to consider the kinds of penalties you will be facing. Consider your options first. Contact An Attorney Contact Our Philadelphia Traffic Lawyers Our attorneys know the best way to approach your ticket and can help you prepare for ...
When you feed the meter or pay a parking ticket, do you wonder where your money goes? It goes into the coffers of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA), a public agency. When the State of Pennsylvania took over the PPA in 2001, the School District of Philadelphia was promised stable,...
23storePay: City of Tucson - Parking Ticket (AZ) < 0.5 % 23storePay: City of Wilmington (DE) < 0.5 % 23storePay: Collegeville Trappe Municipal Authority (PA) < 0.5 % 23Pay: Consolidated Utilities (GA) < 0.5 % 23Pay: Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority < 0.5 % 23storePa...
Angeles, Miami, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Boston, or Chicago, or in cities like Cleveland, New Orleans, San Francisco, Dallas, St. Louis, Las Vegas, or Philadelphia, ParkMobile provides comprehensive coverage for your city parking needs. Discover the ease of navigating urban spaces with ...
A train line from Philadelphia, PA, to Lindenwold, NJ. (And back.) The ``Port Authority'' here is the Delaware River Port Authority. There is a slight ambiguity of reference: in some cases (as on this DRPA page), ``PATCO'' refers to the commuter rail line, and is not used for ...