the costs of paying your taxes online with a credit card may seem prohibitive. Each of the 3 official credit card payment partners of the IRS charges a processing fee. And it’s not an insignificant fee:
Whether it's a hedge-fund billionaire, tech giant, industrial titan, or someone simply born into the right family, the wealthiest people in every state each have their own stories. In today's political climate, the super-rich have plenty of influence over our political process, from lobbying ...
The report accounted for the costs of gasoline, insurance, repairs, taxes and fees in each state. Here's a look at the data from the three most expensive states, the three least expensive states, and Ohio: Estimated annual cost of car ownership Rank, State Repairs Taxes/fees Gasoline ...
Another characteristic revealed about this group is that they are more financially supportive of non-governmental projects. Upstream respondents are also equally concerned about the decreasing water quality in the region. This is an indication of the poor state of the river, because not only are ...