Technology is a common household name with every activity revolving around advance tools and systems. With the tech transitions the state government of Telangana through the chief minister have initiated a scheme called “TS E Challan Payment 2024.” The scheme is dedicated to the Telangana citizens...
"I lodged a police complaint at the Bab Al Bahrain Police Station but there has been no update and the only information they have is that they saw the car last time near the American Mission Hospital Road," Ajmal said. "The car number is 513204 and it is a grey colour Toyota Corolla,...
Night Curfew to come into effect from today in Tamil Nadu,Telangana, Kerala and Puducherry Kochuveli-Mangalore bi-weekly Antyodaya Reserved Special What happened in Vattiyyoorkavu?UDF Chief Election agent reveals Dr. Boby Chemmannur is the Peace Ambassador,SNWRPC Kozhikode records 1271;five ...