After hitting deductible, medical costs will be split between you and the insurance provider. Copayments or copay is one of the ways to do this. Copayments have a flat rate depending on the specific service or prescription. For example, the flat rate for a check-up would be different from...
There is a McDonalds right next door with a sign for hiring at $15 an hour. Management is OK, they stay out of my way for the most part. I’m too skilled to be paid so little and at a talentless position. I’d go next door to work for McDonald’s for more money, but… it...
Rate your recent company Share your experience to help others 1.0 I would never work for this company again they pay the same as a McDonalds employee Call Center Agent(Former Employee)-Atlanta, GA-3 May 2023 What is the best part of working at the company?
This is an updated version of the scenery to v2.2. In v2.1 you had a bad framerate issue that burned up your processing power and had that nasty pushback error, but these items have been fixed (quickly) in this version (also the reason this overview is a bit late). v2.0 origina...
Maybe if the interact thing is true they somehow negotiated a lesser rate with Apple for those transactions. I haven't used debit in over a decade (unless it's a merchant that doesn't accept CC). I'd hate the lost opportunity of benefits and cash back from CC. [doublepos...
Paying for food with a messaging app. Photo credit: McDonalds. The latest and ongoing battleground for WeChat Pay and Alipay is offline: brick-and-mortar shops, restaurants, and offline services. Unlike O2O services or companies that have a brand account inside WeChat, these businesses fall out...
I could buy a Big Mac at McDonalds, and then some Tums next door at CVS using an NFC-compatible Android device since 2011. I've owned a Nexus 4 and 7 for two years now but have never used NFC on either device to buy anything with. I only used it to transfer files betwee...
Get salary data and employee pay rate information for various job and positions at major companies. Learn how much you will make on the job.
No dice. My experience is that the 50% stat cited here is about the success rate. About 50% of the times I try it in the same store, and even in the same checkout line, it works. The other 50% it simply doesn't respond at all. That is simple evidence...
According to a report fromThe Wall Street Journal, the unemployment rate for millennials is 12.5%—higher than that of Gen Xers and baby boomers. That being said, older members of Gen X and the baby boomers who are either already retired with a fixed income, or making more than their youn...