PAYPER is contained in 1 match in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with Payper.
PAY meaning: 1 : to give money for goods or services often + for; 2 : to give money to (someone) for goods or services often followed by to + verb sometimes + in
The meaning of PREPAY is to pay or pay the charge on in advance. How to use prepay in a sentence.
...the workers' demand for a twenty per centpayrise. 工人要求加薪20% 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Students werepaidsubstantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed... 学生们得到了一大笔钱,而所要做的就是整天躺在床上什么也不做。
PAY–PER–VIEW meaning: cable television channels that charge a fee for each show you watch often used before another noun
These advertisements are purchased on a "pay per click" basis, meaning you only pay if someone actually clicks your advertisement. Attracting online deposit dollars: how a community bank in Virginia drew millions of dollars in new deposit accounts through the judicious use of pay per click and ...
Define paynim. paynim synonyms, paynim pronunciation, paynim translation, English dictionary definition of paynim. n. Archaic 1. A non-Christian, especially a Muslim. 2. A pagan or heathen. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth
than the benchmark pay by 5.7% (or $580 per month, representing around threepaypoints ontheModelScale1PayScale). (b) 資歷組別 10 (第一標準薪級職系):市場上四分位值 較基準低 5.7% (或每月 580 元,約相等於第一標準薪 級表三個薪點)。
* For commercial use only Basic Account For single users $0 USD Always free Access limited toFree Statistics.Premium Statistics are not included. Free Statistics Based on your interests Starter Account For single users $149 USD per month, billed annually1 ...
performance-related pay meaning, definition, what is performance-related pay: money that you earn for your work, which...: Learn more.