When you are thinking of paying off your student loan debt (or any debt for that matter), you will likely be overwhelmed. Trust me, I understand. Debt makes people nervous. Many of us don’t start out understanding money very early in life. We struggle with it and then (hopefully) com...
Note which debts can be paid off within months and which could be paid off in a few years. The small debts with the highest percentage fees are the debts that you will want to focus on the most, so you can cross them off of your list and get closer to living debt-free. Look ford...
The first step in paying off credit card debt is to understand it. Create a spreadsheet or write down the balance on all credit cards and their corresponding interest rates. That way you know what you owe and where that debt is growing the most each month due to high interest rates. With...
How to Pay Your Mortgage Faster: If you’re finding it challenging to manage your debts, exploring strategies to pay off your mortgage faster could free up funds to tackle other obligations within your budget. Guide to Paying Off Credit Card Debt: High-interest credit card debt can quickly sp...
"I just worked my butt off, from 15 ½ all the way through college, in order to pay for it," he says. His hard work paid off in 2006 when he graduated from the University of Akron in Ohio with bachelor's degrees in math and education – and no student loan d...
OurOrganize Your Finances Todoist templateincludes each of these recurring habits so you won’t forget. Making a debt pay down plan Paying off debt is the number one goal many people have when they first start budgeting, and we know how difficult it can be to start dealing with your debt....
Wondering how to pay off debt fast? These tips and tricks will have you doing a debt free dance in no time! How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft! {14 Easy Tips} It’s true… identity theft can happen to any of us at any time. That’s why today I want to share some...
4. Tackle debt wisely Getting your debt under control can be complicated if you have multiple loans or kinds of debt. That's where these suggestions fit in. See the 2 general approaches to paying off debt: Snowball vs. avalanche Find out how investing fits in with paying off debt Consider...
Reason #3 – Debt/Financial Trouble Here’s a different scenario to consider. Sometimes you will run into a company that used to pay a dividend, but no longer does. Or, they slash the dividend. The main reason behind this is financial hardship. As mentioned earlier, companies generally li...
Never assume loan forgiveness is an option. Even student debt relief for those who are working in public services is not a given. Here, the money is paid off as you earn and a remainder is forgiven, and this will not apply to every public service role in any case. ...