Pay off high-interest credit cards first Paying off the debt on the card with the highest interest rate first is one method to reduce credit card debt. This is the “debt avalanche method.” While some advocate for paying off your smallest debt first because it seems easier, you may save...
1. Pay Off High-Interest Debts 2. Other Unsecured Debts 3. Next Up, Student Loans 4. Remaining Debt Other Financial Considerations Final Thoughts 1. Pay Off High-Interest Debts No matter which types of debt you have, credit card debt should be your first priority. Why? Because credit ...
例如:"They decided to pay off their credit card debt first before considering other expenses."(在考虑其他开支之前,他们决定先偿还信用卡债务。) 三、"pay off"的例句 1. "I was finally able to pay off my car loan after three years of monthly payments."(我终于在连续三年的月供后成功付清了车贷...
When it comes to managing multiple credit cards, one of the common dilemmas borrowers face is deciding which credit card to pay off first. With various interest rates, balances, and due dates to consider, it can be overwhelming to determine the most effective strategy for debt repayment. Howeve...
Don Taylor off:vt.付清;还清(债务);取得成功;贿赂;vi. 得到好结果。 back:vt. 偿还;报答。pay off 和 pay back的区别 off:vt.付清;还清(债务);取得成功;贿赂;vi. 得到好结果。 back:vt. 偿还;报答。3.He taught me to keep ample savings, live below ...
But if you're struggling to decide which to pay off first, focus on your credit card debt. Experts generally agree that themost basic rule of thumbwhen developing a long-term debt pay-off plan is to ask yourself a simple question: Which debt is costing you more? If you carry a balance...
Don’t forget if you’re going tocancel your credit card, you need to pay off your balance first. How to pay your credit card from another bank? Some people don’t realize that you can get a credit card from financial institutions you don’t bank with. In fact, some of thebest trav...
Because credit card debt, by nature, is most likely the highest interest debt that you're paying, McClary suggests paying that off first if you are someone who carries a balance on your card from month to month. As the credit card debt is higher interestandyou carry a large balance on ...
pay off,读音:英[peɪ ɒf],美[peɪ ɔf]。vt. ①付清,还清(债务)。②取得成功。③贿赂。④报复。vi. 得到好结果。例句:①He paid off the debt of his friend with the money raised by his writings.他用稿费的收入偿清了朋友的债务。②Walter will be paid ...