The finance and insurance industry in the United Kingdom has traditionally been among the poorest-performing sectors in terms of the gender pay gap. This is evident in the fact that the gender pay gap in this sector was almost twice as high as the national average in 2023. In April 2017,...
It’s clear that just publishing gender pay gaps isn’t working. Companies must be required to publish and implement action plans to close their pay gaps. And bosses who don’t comply with the law should be fined." Since 2017, public and private sector employers with 250 or more employees...
Federal civil rights policy obligates health care providers to supply language services, but wide gaps persist because insurers typically do not pay for interpreters, among other reasons. Health care financing policies should reinforce existing medical research and legal policies: Payers, including ...
Avoid Gaps in Insurance Coverage if You Lose Your Job If you lose your job, you usually lose your employer's health insurance, too. But there are several ways stay covered. If your employer has 20 or more employees, you can continue your employer's coverage for up to 18 months after yo...
This is a National Insurance (NI) contribution to help make sure you don’t lose out on some social security benefits, such as the State Pension, because of gaps in your National Insurance record. You’ll be able to claim this if you look after someone for more than 20 hours a week ...
The narrative accompanying the Proposed Rule claims that compensation history bans have been found to "reduce pay gaps that disadvantage certain populations, including women, workers of color and workers entering the labor market during recessions." 89 Fed. Reg. at 5843. However, this statement ...
The national average gas price in 1953 may have been $0.28 a gallon, but for those looking for a bargain, Omaha, Nebraska, was the place to be. Omaha native Lynn Folgate remembered getting gas that year (her first year driving) for the low price of $0.18 a gallon, according to recolle...
The government says it recognises that gender pay gaps reported by employers may fluctuate, especially in the early years of reporting, as they take actions which will improve gender equality in the longer term. A Government spokesperson said: “By being transparent about their gender pay gap, an...
JPMorgan Chase & Co., fresh off settling complaints from two regulators over gaps in its trade-surveillance program, expects to pay an additional $100
This will bring low salaries up to market levels and equalize potentially discriminatory pay gaps. Provide more benefits: If analysis uncovers variations in health insurance or time-off perks, correct them. Implement consistent benefits policies across the board and avoid improvising packages wherever ...