若要设置 Apple Pay,请将你的借记卡、信用卡和储值卡添加到“钱包”。(Apple Card 和 Apple Cash 仅在美国可用。) 添加借记卡或信用卡 你可以添加来自合作发卡机构的受支持卡片。若要检查卡片是否兼容 Apple Pay,请联系发卡机构。 在iPhone 上前往“钱包” App 。 轻点。你可能需要登录Apple 账户。 添加以下任...
在部分国家和地区,你可以在“钱包”App 中为你的 Apple 账户余额充值。要完成这一操作,你必须将 Apple 账户卡片添加到“钱包”。 打开“钱包”App。 轻点Apple 账户卡片。 轻点“充值”。 要在“钱包”中使用你所选的 Apple Pay 付款方式进行充值,你的 iPhone 必须运行iOS 18.1 或更高版本。 按照屏幕上的说明...
So your card number is never stored on your device or on Apple servers. And when you pay, your card numbers are never shared by Apple with merchants. If you prefer not to share your email address with merchants when paying online, you can use Hide My Email to generate unique, random ...
在iOS上,前往“设置”>“Safari浏览器”>“高级”>“检查Apple Pay”。在visionOS上,前往“设置”> App >“Safari浏览器”>“高级”>“检查Apple Pay”。在Mac上,前往“Safari浏览器”>“设置”>“高级”并取消选择“允许网站检查Apple Pay和Apple Card”。
Pay apple card on android phone How to pay apple card on android phone. 2 years ago 454 2 How do I use my apple phone to pay with my apple phone for something How do I use my apple phone to pay with my Apple Card without actually using my card physically every time 2 years ...
APPLE CARD WHERE DO I SEND A CHECK PAYMENT TO APLLE CARD? 1 year ago 635 1 I prefer to pay my Apple Card by writing a check. How do I do that? That is my question: I prefer to pay by writing a check. How do I do that? 5 years ago 766 4 Can you pay on your Apple...
1.通过浏览器登陆iCloud.com,进入[Apple Pay],点击[设置],选择丢失的设备,然后在Apple Pay部分中移除申请的设备卡。 2.或打开[查找我的iPhone]->[丢失模式],锁定设备并停用Apple Pay。也可以直接进行[抹掉设备]操作。 3.或致电交行客服,进行设备卡或实体卡挂失/临时挂失操作(如果对实体卡进行挂失,则实体卡下...
在Mac 上使用“钱包与 Apple Pay” 如果Mac 或妙控键盘配备了触控 ID,你可以使用触控 ID 在支持Apple Pay的网站上付款。若要在 Mac 上设置 Apple Pay,你需要在“钱包”中添加至少一张信用卡、借记卡、储值卡、商店购物卡或 Apple Card。如果你已有与 iTunes Store 或 App Store 关联的借记卡或信用卡,只需...
Apple Pay can also be set up by using the prompts when setting up a new iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Credit and debit cards are verified in just a few seconds, but some cards require a phone call, app download, or an email to verify a card before it can be added to Apple Pay. Once...
Use only the artwork provided by Apple. Use the Apple Pay mark when other payment identities are also displayed in a similar format. Use the mark in marketing communications when the main message of the communication promotes Apple Pay.