The Nairobi City County Government Finance Act 2022, assented to by Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja last year, provides for land rates for residential, commercial and agricultural land. They will have to pay 0.115 per cent of the value of the land. It also stipulates that those who ...
In valuation studies the estimates of the utility coefficients are often used to calculate marginal rates of substitution (MRS) with respect to the cost coefficient and interpreted as consumers' marginal willingness to pay (WTP) for the attributes. A substantial number of stated preference studies ...
A number of alternative empirical models for road erosion exist (as reviewed in (Fu et al., 2010)), however, with the available data, we calibrated RUSLE's annual soil loss to field-assessed lowering rates (Stock et al., 2016), a fine resolution land use map that designated roads, ...
ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by the Bank of Thailand, Asset Bright will process all e-payments made via WeChat Pay at Dusit hotels in Thailand. Ksher, meanwhile, will implement and maintain the WeChat Pay system, including providing online security and technical support. “In China’s top-tier cit...
males 18 years and above) in each cluster as a percentage of the total target population for the country as a whole. This ensured appropriate distribution of the 480 rural and 720 urban respondents for each country’s desired sample. Clusters that were entirely urban (e.g., Nairobi) were ...