Best Cash Back Credit Cards. Things to Consider When Choosing a Credit Card There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a credit card. It's also important to note that the reimbursement amount depends on the credit card. So make sure you know how much credit yo...
I have one (the IHG card) and it is apparently not supported by Apple Pay. Anyone know if Chase has made a comment on this and whether or not it will be coming in the future? P prominence macrumors regular Jan 31, 2008 175 4 Oct 20, 2014 #82 E3BK said: Ooohhhh...ahhhhhh...
That’s a bummer. Some suggest this is due to being a Mastercard which Chase does not yet have the relationships to get it into mobile wallets (though IHG Mastercarddoes workin mobile wallet). I’d expect Chase to work this out in the coming months. I’m honestly surprised they’...
注册 IHG 会员:IHG 会员注册链接(如果有了 IHG 会员就跳过这步) 链接两者帐号:链接帐号链接(由于第一步注册了 fuelrewards,直接选择 log in 就好,会自动跳转) 添加 IHG 号码:在 LOYALTY CARDS AND ACCOUNTS 中选择 link account or card 添加完成后,Fuel Rewards 会在 7-10...