Everyone is going through something.practicing kindness goes a long long way.you never know who needs it.you never know how one small act inspires others to dot he same.pay kindness forward.become the kindness that you seek.显示仁慈Display kindness 写下积极的信息,贴在你的窗户上,这样你的邻居...
例如,在日常生活中,如果有人对你做了好事,你可以选择“pay it forward”通过帮助其他人来传递这份善意。或者,在某些情况下,人们可能会通过预付费用、捐赠给需要的人或参与公益活动等方式来“pay forward”。 这里有一个简单的例句来帮助你更好地理解这个短语:“I decided to pay forward the kindness I received ...
2.传递善意(做公益)(pay the kindness forward) 【万能】Only whenwe pay the kindness forwardcan our world become a more harmonious one. From then on, I have been making everyendeavor(努力)to offer a helping hand to those in need, paying the kindness forward. The sight of the children's s...
'Pay kindness forward'(传递善意)指将接收到的善意行为主动传递给其他人而非直接回报施与者,以此形成善意的连锁反应,推动社会正向循环。这一理念强调无私的利他行为与集体责任感,在教育、心理和社会学领域均有重要价值。 核心概念与内涵 其本质是打破“一对一”的回报模式,转向“一...
该短语存在多个近似表达:“pass on the kindness”侧重强调善意的接力传递;“spread the goodness”突出善意扩散的广度;“do good for others in return”则明确将受助行为转化为新的助人动机。相较而言,“pay forward”更具动作指向性,常搭配具体善举使用。 三、实践应用场景 ...
Thankful people makeita habit to acknowledge andpayforwardeach bit of kindness that comes their way, whether it's a simple compliment, help on a task or getting flowers. 感恩的人会养成一种习惯,承认并传播一切他们见识到的善意,无论是简单的称赞、帮助完成任务还是收到鲜花。
作为动词短语使用时需注意语法结构:'pay the kindness forward'较'pay it forward'更符合正式语体要求。跨文化语境中存在类似表达,如中文'滴水之恩当涌泉相报'强调回报的扩展性,日本'恩送り'(恩情转送)则体现相似的伦理观念。 四、教育实践路径 学校可通过'善意接力'项目培养学生社会责任感...
英文: In this community, we have an unwritten rule: whenever you receive help, try to pay it forward to the next person. 英文同义表达 'Pass it on': 这个表达也有传递下去的意思,可以用于描述相似的善行传递场景。 'Spread the kindness': 这个短语强调将善意扩散开来,与“p...
to pay for (goods, services, etc.) at the time of purchase, as opposed to buying on credit. to spend no more than income permits; keep out of debt. to pay income tax by regular deductions from one's salary or wages. pay it forward,to express gratitude for kindness or good fortune ...
Paying for someone’s dinner may seem like a small act of kindness, but it can make such a big difference. You never know what someone goes through in their daily life, so being generous and thinking of others can mean a lot. Obviously, the pay-it-forward event at Dairy Queen touched...