Companies interested in a low-cost initial review of risk to assess their need to budget for a larger pay equity effort Pay Equity Analysis During a proactive Pay Equity Analysis, Berkshire strives to ensure we understand your organization’s compensation practices and philosophy. Our process ensur...
Data security SOC 2 certified with secure single sign-on through Okta® and other identity access systems. Enterprise-ready global compliance Designed to meet the complex pay equity needs of large multinational employers, including Fortune 100 companies. Schedule Demo Frequently...
Smart business leaders understand the financial and ethical case for treating everyone well. They also know the importance ofpay equity auditsin keeping pay gaps under control. Equity, after all, is the route to excellence. TL;DR — Key Takeaways Pay equity refers to paying every employee fairl...
The best way for company leaders and boards to ensure their organization is paying employees fairly is to start with a pay equity audit (PEA). Intworecentself-reported surveys, companies said that they were taking pay equity concerns seriously. However,a third surveythat looked at the disclosure...
Pay equity is keeping employers up at night. What was once a gender equality mandate now covers every protected category, including race and sexual orientation. The stakes are high; one misstep can damage a brand, slash shareholder value, and weaken employee loyalty. ...
Natureofobligation:Payequitycertification: No.ButcompaniesmustcomplywiththeannualSustainabilityReportingrequirementswhichincludesanindependentaudit. Natureofobligation:Diversityrequirement: No. Enforcementbody: Tobedeterminedbyeachmemberstate. Timeframeforobligation: Annually. Penaltyfornon-compliance: Tobedeterminedbyeach...
in the course of a tax audit, Romanian authorities challenged the employer’s interpretation. Since the assignment allowance was paid for the purpose of reaching the minimum wage in the host country, it did not qualify...
Every employer should plan to consider what pay equity means within their talent management strategy, work environment, and recent or planned organizational changes. If a reorganization or merger is in future plans, an equity audit should be included in the planning. ...
Ensuring fair compensation: pay equity audit template What is the difference between pay equity and pay parity? Superficially, pay parity and pay equity seem similar. Both are related to pay inequality in the workplace but are in fact two distinct terms: ...
We’ve been with Megapay since the launch of our business close to a decade ago and we couldn’t be happier. The software is awesome and easy to use. Our rep Sussy gives us next-level customer service. In addition, when needed to work together on a mutual client audit or pay-as-you...