Byline: Adrian Pearson
“It's crucial that the Government consults fully on measures to be introduced in the Employment Rights Bill to ensure they don’t reduce future job opportunities, particularly for young people and other candidates viewed as higher risk by employers.”...
Since April 2013 it makes no difference for tax purposes if you are a student only working in the holidays. Employers must treat students in the same way that they treat other employees. I think I’ve paid too much tax – what do I do? If you think you've overpaid your income tax, ...
States to Employers: Pay Up.States to Employers: Pay Up.This article reports on health care insurance. The National Conference of State Legislatures are considering so-called pay-or-play bills that would force employers either to provide some coverage or pay a penalty. One of those states, Ma...
Termination during the probationary period.Typically, probationary periods in the UK last for six months, but the exact terms need to be defined in the contract of employment. This gives employers (and employees) a chance to determine if the new hire is a good fit for the company and role....
Companies must file with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) as well as manage Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) to file taxes and National Insurance contributions. Depending on the industry and type of business, you must submit payroll taxes monthly or quarterly to ensure compliance. Employers mus...
The new employer duties will be applied in stages rather than from a single launch date based onthePAYEscheme size (largest employers first). 基于PAYE 计划大小,新雇主将分阶段履行责任,而不是简单地(最大的雇主优先)根据起始日期。
“Significantpublic sectorpayawards announced since the election,along with theadditionalpublic sector spending announced in the recentBudget,have provided a welcome boost to public sector employers and workers. “This should help support the NHS and the delivery of other key public s...
Do employers with no employees need workers’ compensation insurance? How do workers’ comp claims affect employers? What types of employees are covered by workers’ comp? How does Paycor automate workers’ compensation payments? How does Paycor’s team support businesses with workers’ comp questions...