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1 Reaction score 2 Points 1 About Birthday Aug 11, 1988 (Age: 36) Location Indonesia Trophies 1 Jan 15, 2021 First Message Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this. MEMBERS About us WELCOME TO PLATINMODS.COM! We are proud to present you the place which let's dreams come ...
In the above cases the pay date (26th) falls on weekend, which is why the closest prior week day was used). * I want to be able to write in a date in Column 1 which automatically populates the corresponding Month in Column 2 according to pay date periods. I have a table ...
day data provided by factset . all quotes are in local exchange time. real-time last sale data for u.s. stock quotes reflect trades reported through nasdaq only. intraday data delayed at least 15 minutes or per exchange requirements. close trending tickers bar trending ...
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alex201280 First I'd define rates for this and next days as Next day is in bold here. With that formula could be =SUMPRODUCT( IF($B3>$H$3:$H$7,0, IF($G$3:$G$7>($C3+1*($C3<$B3)), 0, IF(($C3+1*($C3<$B3))>$H$3:$H$7,$H$3:$H$7,($...
sfyc23/EverydayWechat 微信助手:1.每日定时给好友(女友)发送定制消息。2.机器自动回复好友。3.群功能(例如:查询垃圾分类、天气、日历、电影实时票房、快递物流、PM2.5等) 6.9k Python 01/10 123geeeeeeeeek/WeChatLuckyMoney 💸 WeChat's lucky money helper (微信抢红包插件) by Zhongyi Tong. An ...
Lauren Saunders: One of the most alarming places where it's growing is everyday use, for gas and groceries and necessities and things that you have to buy every week and certainly every month. So if you can't afford to buy your groceries this week ...
Going forwards, it will be easier for people, the few of you who still use this moduel especially to see any changes that may take place. (I live for the day when its dead an buried) The often required SQLite3 Universal Binaries for use with the GPay SQLite fix module, is o...