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I don’t have to always log into my calendar. Some bills, like my mortgage or car payment, are due the same time of the month every month. When I set the date up in Google Calendar so it repeats monthly. Set it and forget it (well, until the bill is due). Let me show you ho...
Making the global switch from climate-altering fossil fuels to renewables by 2050 would require an extra $1 trillion (880 billion euros) per year, but the bill will be covered by lower energy costs, a Greenpeace report said Monday. On top of some 600 billion euros per year already earmarked...
Prisoners on death row "are hu- man beings who are capable of many things, of changing," retired Unitarian minister Bill Breeden told the rally, "but with this terrible threat hanging over them, often for decades." Bernard, an African American, was convicted for his role in the 1999 ...