Vodafone有学生优惠,选择Pay monthly套餐有10%的优惠,可以用在签约手机或者SIM Only上。价格相比差不多是最贵的,每月£9.50的12个月套餐(Sim Only),包含250MB流量,250分钟通话(只限英国国内)和无限短信。具体Sim Only和Pay as you go套餐和价格可以到官网查询。Pay As You Go的国际通话套餐还挺实惠的...
Vodafone Pay As You Go Plans In the UK, it’s still possible tojoin Vodafone as a Pay As You Go customer, with no contract and no need for a credit check to sign up. There’s a choice of different Pay As You Go plans, with the most popular one being Pay As You Go Plus. It’...
1. O2提供月付资费方案,用户可以选择750mb或1GB的的数据套餐。此外,每月额外支付5英镑即可增加500mb的数据使用量。2. Orange声称提供“无限上网”,但实际上用户仅能使用750mb的数据。3. Vodafone拥有最高的3G数据量,其最高套餐提供1024mb的数据,但Vodafone是三家运营商中唯一不提供无限WiFi服务的。
Unlimited Video: Includes TikTok, YouTube, Netflix, Prime Video & more (from £12) Pay As You Go Rates: 30p/minute 14p/text Coverage: 4G & 5G coverage from Vodafone (check postcode) Contents 1 VOXI Plans 1.1 SIM Only Deals 1.2 Pay As You Go Rates 2 VOXI Features 2.1 Unlimited Socia...
A SIM free mobile phone is one that can be used with any network such as EE, 3, Vodafone and O2. When you purchase an unlocked, SIM free phone you are only paying for the phone leaving you free to choose the network and phone package that suits you best. And if you change your mi...
Find the best student sim only deals and cheap mobile phone plans here – including student discounts and pay as you go sims at EE, O2, VOXI, Google Store and LG
AvooMobile.com: We provide free SIM cards (O2 & Vodafone) online in the UK with several special Pay As You Go plans along with free international minutes.
用当地的运营商,就需要同学们自己去探索一下了。以英国为例,主要的实体运营商有O2、Vodafone、EE和3(Three);几个有名的虚拟运营商有(没有线下实体店)Giffgaff、Lebara、Lycamobile和Tesco Mobile。 英国的手机卡主要是三种使用方法: Pay As You Go(直接充值,充多少就用多少,适合去英国旅游或短期交换的朋友) ...
Tesco Mobile offers Rocket Pack bundles on Pay As You Go, starting from £7.50/month with no contract. Learn more and compare to alternatives.