1. O2提供月付资费方案,用户可以选择750mb或1GB的的数据套餐。此外,每月额外支付5英镑即可增加500mb的数据使用量。2. Orange声称提供“无限上网”,但实际上用户仅能使用750mb的数据。3. Vodafone拥有最高的3G数据量,其最高套餐提供1024mb的数据,但Vodafone是三家运营商中唯一不提供无限WiFi服务的。
Unlimited UK mins Unlimited UK texts 250 intl mins 125GB data £30.00 per month No contract Order O2 Pay As You Go SIM Card (Free) → As a special offer, you’ll get £10 of free credit when youorder your O2 Big Bundles SIM card online. Upon arrival, you’ll have 28 days to...
If you have owns a blackberry device and want O2 top up or pay as you go then here is the deal for you £15 – £29 for 500 free UK texts and 500MB web browsing + BlackBerry email. Another and yet a better package for blackberry on O2 is £30+ Unlimited free UK texts an...
you’ll get much larger allowances for the same amount of money. For instance, you can get unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 3GB of data for a £10 top-up. The disadvantage of choosing a Big Bundle over Classic Pay As You Go is that unused allowances will expire at the end of...
The UK's best roundup of free SIM cards for UK mobile phone networks. Get a flexible Pay As You Go SIM card for O2, GiffGaff, Three, Virgin, Lyca, etc.
All our plans come withunlimitedUK calls and texts Sort by: Pay as you go plans One month plans with absolute freedom and flexibility 5G speeds at no extra cost 15 GB data £10 per month 30 GB data £15 per month 80 GB data ...
这就是留学生常说的签手机。Pay as you go是说你的机子买回来可用所有公司的sim卡,而在这个里面的sim卡也不会被锁定。一般针对使用电话不是太频繁的人,充多少用多少。这种也有包月的,就是买个一定价位的pack,然后里面有多少分钟数,多少短信,多少流量,然后有效期是30天这样。
AvooMobile.com: We provide free SIM cards (O2 & Vodafone) online in the UK with several special Pay As You Go plans along with free international minutes.
Tesco Mobile’s Rocket Pack bundles can often be beaten by what is available on other networks. For instance, giffgaff also offers Pay As You Go plans with no contract and no credit check: NetworkDataMonthly Cost O2coverage Unlimited mins ...
Pay as you go with handheld XDA.(O2 Ltd. had launched a handheld computer)(Logitech International S.A. has launched a keyboard)(Brief article)Vassou, Andrea