你直接在T-mobile的专卖店买pay as you go的卡就行了,带上护照,你就跟他说 i wanna pay as yo...
对啊,最主要是看你是否很常打英国国内的电话.如果用PAY AS YOU GO的话,英国国内的电话相对来说是比较贵的,无论是VODAFONE,T-MOBILE,O2,ORANGE等等,大概每分钟要20 PENCE.但是用PAY AS YOU GO直播回中国的话,最便宜的是每分钟3 PENCE,这是T-MOBILE的.另外,LYCAMOBILE和LEBARA还有TALKMOBIL...
直接买就可以,不用开通国际长途。它相当于一张手机sim卡,放在手机内就可以。T-MOBILE的是10分到33分钱每分钟不等 http://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/pay-as-you-go-plans 如果你就打一两个电话 机场有投币式的电话可使用。
接听全免费的~不光接国际长途免费~别人给你打来都是免费接的~其实你用skype打中国也很便宜的 0.0014胖子一分钟我记得~你如果买个02的sim卡的话 有免费号码打去中国 和英国市话一样.
pay as you go mobile 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) This approach, referred to as“pay-as-you-go”,provides sufficient funds to cover current year costs without consideration [...] daccess-ods.un.org...
The T-Mobile Pay As You Go plan enables users to pay 10 cents a minute of telephone call. Virgin Mobile USA offers unlimited telephone calls for $50 every month. The Boost Mobile Daily Chat & Text plan offers unlimited text messaging and free calls after 9 in the evening and on weekends...
Mobile Connect is a mobile app that allows you to handle Amazon Connect calls and interactions from your mobile device. It is available for Android and iOS. This is the pay-as-you-go product, also available as monthly subscription model.
Helen: Today’s phrase is ‘pay-as-you-go’. Pay-As-You-Go.Zoë: Pay as you go. 这个短语对于⼀些在英国留学过的⼈⼀定不陌⽣。还是让我们来先听听它的英⽂解释吧.Helen: Well, if you have a mobile phone you can pay for your calls on a monthly contract or you can pay as ...
onVodafone Pay As You Go 1. Instead, you’re only charged on the days that you actually use your mobile phone for calling, texting or using data over the mobile network. On days when you don’t use your mobile phone (or when you only use wi-fi), you won’t pay anything that day...
Get a free pay as you go SIM card with giffgaff and choose a plan that suits you. No nasty surprises at the end of the month, just great value. Visit us.