Looking for a Pay As You Go SIM card? Compare the best Pay As You Go SIM card deals from 15 UK networks. Prices, coverage and offers.
How does a pay as you go SIM work? Pay as you go (PAYG) SIM cards are an easy way to use your phone without needing a long-term contract or lengthy payment plans. You simply pre-pay a set amount of money, which gives you a set number of call minutes, data, and texts. When yo...
你肯定只能用pay as you go。相当于国内的预付费电话,如神州行,如意通等。pay monthly是要签合同的,最短也要12个月,而且还要有信用才行。你去旅游不可能签给你的。还有如果你要打中国的的话,建议你买一些带有国际电话功能的卡。O2有一种国际卡,还有其他非电话公司的专门国际卡,忘记名字了,...
Pay as you go是说你的机子买回来可用所有公司的sim卡,而在这个里面的sim卡也不会被锁定。一般针对使用电话不是太频繁的人,充多少用多少。这种也有包月的,就是买个一定价位的pack,然后里面有多少分钟数,多少短信,多少流量,然后有效期是30天这样。
SIM only deals Choose a monthly plan All our plans come withunlimitedUK calls and texts All plansContractMonthly rollingPay as you go Sort by:Our favouritesHighest dataLowest dataHighest priceLowest price Pay as you go plans One month plans with absolute freedom and flexibility...
Get a free pay as you go SIM card with giffgaff and choose a plan that suits you. No nasty surprises at the end of the month, just great value. Visit us.
最主要是看你是否很常打英国国内的电话.如果用PAY AS YOU GO的话,英国国内的电话相对来说是比较贵的,无论是VODAFONE,T-MOBILE,O2,ORANGE等等,大概每分钟要20 PENCE.但是用PAY AS YOU GO直播回中国的话,最便宜的是每分钟3 PENCE,这是T-MOBILE的.另外,LYCAMOBILE和LEBARA还有TALKMOBILDE的话...
Order a free SIM today and add a Rocket Pack later Order free SIM How our Pay as you go SIM works Already got your Pay as you go SIM? Sign in to My Account When you load money onto your SIM, you'll get a bundle of data, minutes and texts that last one month. We call ...
Get the best pay as you go deals in Jersey with JT where you can benefit from free calls, texts & super fast 4G mobile data using our top up app.
Once you have a PAC Code from your old mobile network,order your new Pay As You Go SIM cardfrom O2’s website. When your new SIM card arrives, give the PAC Code to O2 by submitting it throughthis online form. Your phone number transfer will normally take place on the next working da...