Vodafone有学生优惠,选择Pay monthly套餐有10%的优惠,可以用在签约手机或者SIM Only上。价格相比差不多是最贵的,每月£9.50的12个月套餐(Sim Only),包含250MB流量,250分钟通话(只限英国国内)和无限短信。具体Sim Only和Pay as you go套餐和价格可以到官网查询。Pay As You Go的国际通话套餐还挺实惠的...
Pay as you go是说你的机子买回来可用所有公司的sim卡,而在这个里面的sim卡也不会被锁定。一般针对使用电话不是太频繁的人,充多少用多少。这种也有包月的,就是买个一定价位的pack,然后里面有多少分钟数,多少短信,多少流量,然后有效期是30天这样。
Free SIM Cards Welcome to FreebieList.com’s Free SIM Cards category. Here, we provide the UK’s most comprehensive roundup of free PAYG SIM card offers. “Pay as you go” and “SIM only” deals are better value and give more flexibility than long-term contract packages. You can change ...
You can get a 5G Pay As You Go SIM card from £5/month with no contract and no credit check required. Read our review and comparison.
Lycamobile的SIM卡写着有“Pay as you go” 到底是英国哪个运营商的SIM卡?1、该SIM卡在英国伦敦、巴斯、牛津、剑桥的信号如何?2、该SIM卡打电话时的通话质量如何?3、该SIM卡如果使用3G设备上网速度如何? 我来回答 分享 信号 上网 运营商 电话 签证 as 北京 巴斯 牛津 剑桥 4条回答 网友 半年前 来自...
With Pay As You Go, there’s no need to sign any contracts. Find out how to get a free SIM card and which PAYG networks offer the lowest prices. Instead of getting aPay Monthly contract, many consumers prefer to use their phone on a Pay As You Go basis. Compared to Pay Monthly, ...
Not everyone needs a pay as you go SIM card to come with a bundle of minutes and text messages, and not everyone wants to be tied into a long term 12-month contract either. So if you only need data but want ultimate flexibility then a pay as you go data only sim for your tablet,...
最主要是看你是否很常打英国国内的电话.如果用PAY AS YOU GO的话,英国国内的电话相对来说是比较贵的,无论是VODAFONE,T-MOBILE,O2,ORANGE等等,大概每分钟要20 PENCE.但是用PAY AS YOU GO直播回中国的话,最便宜的是每分钟3 PENCE,这是T-MOBILE的.另外,LYCAMOBILE和LEBARA还有TALKMOBILDE的话...
Take a look at these great Pay monthly & prepaid SIM only plans with Lyca Mobile. Lyca. Lets go!
Give yourself some freedom with a pay as you go SIM card, get great value by loading-up in bundles of data, minutes and texts today from just £10 at Tesco Mobile