PAX East is a celebration of gaming and gaming culture featuring thought-provoking panels, a massive expo hall filled with the best publishers and studios, new game demos, musical performances, tournaments, and a community experience unlike any other. No matter your preferred genre or platform, if...
PAX East 2024 - Warframe has a big year ahead Digital Extremes hosted a Warframe at this year's PAX East and revealed a bunch of new information - including dates for this year's TennoCon 了解更多
Pax East 2024Shinji Mikami anuncia ‘Kamuy Inc.’, su propia empresa desarrolladora El responsable de Resident Evil y gran influencia en Capcom, además de anunciar Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered, abrió su propio camino en la industria de los videojuegos Últimas Noticias Detenido el...
PAX East 2024March 21-24, 2024 Boston Convention and Exhibition CenterBoston, MA Video Gaming Convention with Gaming programming Organized by ReedPopPAX East is a celebration of gaming and gaming culture featuring thought-provoking panels, a massive expo hall filled with the best publishers and ...
游戏制作人 吉田直树 在PAXEAST 2024上分享了有关《最终幻想14》下一阶段的计划,其中包括:·革新多人玩法,扩充可供多人参与的内容·更充实的游戏体验(并非是简单的加难度,而是通过新机制来提升玩家们打本时的兴奋感)·从7.1开始逐步增加玩法报酬,到7.3版本的时候可获得的报酬会提升至现在的1.5倍左右(比如装备、坐...
台北2024年3月13日/美通社/ -- 电脑硬件品牌技嘉科技,今日宣布其电竞子品牌 AORUS 将于美国波士顿举行的 PAX EAST 再度亮相。玩家将有机会深度体验技嘉 AI 电竞笔記本、于年初 CES 展会中发布的 OLED 电竞顯示器和高规格电竞 PC 的卓越性能。AORUS还与知名游戏开发商卡普空(Capcom)及米哈游(miHoYo)合作,玩家可在...
2024年3月13日/美通社/ -- 全球電腦硬體領導品牌技嘉科技,今日宣布其電競子品牌 AORUS 將於美國波士頓舉行的 PAX EAST 再度亮相。玩家將有機會深度體驗技嘉 AI 電競筆電、於年初 CES 展會中發布的 OLED 電競螢幕和高規格電競 PC 的卓越校能。AORUS還與知名遊戲開發商卡普空(Capcom)及米哈遊(miHoYo)合作,玩家可在...
PAX East 2024 was amazing! It took place from March 21-24 and is the first physical event of the year that Toy Tactics attended.
「PAX East 2024」舞台活动 3月24日0点同步转播! 亲爱的冒险者: 在美国波士顿举办的PAX East展会中,FF14的制作人吉田直树将登台和大家共同回顾10周年,此外也将公布7.0版本的最新资讯,届时我们将同步转播部分授权节目! ※直播内容可能涉及剧透,请各位冒险者酌情选择观看。
Nintendo to Bring Hands-On Gaming Experiences to PAX West 2024 6 months ago Nathan Stevens With a brand-new The Legend of Zelda adventure, the largest Mario Party experience to date, and a dash of competitive... PAX PC Video PAX East 2024: Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo Revealed by...