Graham Longley-Brown. 2019.Successful Professional Wargames: A practitioner’s guide, (edited by John Curry), published by the History of Wargaming Project. Aggie Hirst. 2024.The Politics of Play, Oxford University Press, open access available here
Dr. Nancy Snow, Pax Mundi Professor of Public Diplomacy, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies; Expert on Nation Branding, Public Diplomacy, Persuasion and Propaganda
I think users deserve this summary, because there are 4 bundles/jars: pax-logging-api pax-logging-log4j1 (the Log4J1 backend) log4j:log4j - the implementation log4j:apache-log4j-extras which is log4j:log4j + some additional classes And there’s this design flaw that single JAR is tr...
This chapter describes how the rulers in the Gulf received the January 1968 British announcement that they would be withdrawing their military forces from the Gulf in 1971. The problem facing the ruling shaykhs was how to preserve their sovereignty and freedom of action in the face of their lar...
5-41). For a detailed histologic description, refer to Chapter 6. Proliferation of small ductules surrounded by myoepithelial cells with foci of cartilaginous differentiation is the hallmark of a pleomorphic adenoma. Due to its rarity, a diagnosis of laryngeal BMT should be made cautiously; one ...