also the weakest. It historically represents infantry, or more particularly, armed peasants or pikemen.Each player begins a game of chess with eight pawns, one on each square of the rank immediately in front of the other pieces. (In algebraic notation, the white pawns start on a2,...
1. pawn(in chess): pawn pionmalsofig he'sjustapawn(intheirhands) iln'estqu'unpionsurl'échiquier 2. pawnCOMM(article deposited): pawn gagem pawn nantissementm 3. pawnCOMM: tobeinpawn êtreaumont-de-piété togetsthoutofpawn dégagerqc(dumont-de-piété) ...
abcdefgh Bobby FischervTigran Petrosian, Yugoslavia 1959, after Fischer's 43rd move. Apawn stormis a chessstrategyin which severalpawnsare moved in rapid succession toward the opponent's defenses. A pawn storm usually involves adjacent pawns on one side of the board - the queenside (a, b,...
pawn Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Legal,Financial,Acronyms,Idioms,Wikipedia. Related to pawn:Pawn shop pawn a chessman of the lowest theoretical value, limited to forward moves of one square at a time with the option of two squares on its initial move: it captures with a diagonal move ...
However, the rules of chess are tricky and nuanced, especially for beginners. There are a number of special rules that apply specifically to pawns that affect the way they can move across the board. First move. The first time a pawn moves, it has the option of moving one square forward...
For more information on how the Pawn moves in modern Chess, such as capturing by en passant, see our Illustrated rules of chess or the FIDE laws of chess.Vocabulary: DivergentThe Pawn is a divergent piece. This means that its capturing moves and its non-capturing moves are not the same....
pawn - (chess) the least powerful piece; moves only forward and captures only to the side; it can be promoted to a more powerful piece if it reaches the 8th rank chess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to...
All normal chess rules apply, including conventions for castling either kingside or queenside, a pawn's initial two-step option, "en passant" captures, promotion, and so on. The defender should keep checking until he runs out of check, and then pin the pawn. ...
Chess Rules: Pawn’s Top 10 “Pawns are such fascinating pieces, too…So small, almost insignificant, and yet–they can depose kings. Don’t you find that interesting?”– Lavie Tidhar, The Bookman I think the pawn is the most misunderstood of all chess pieces. Most chess-newbies look...
小卒 xiǎozú foot soldier; minor figure; a nobody; (chess) pawn 当 dàng at or in the very same...; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; to replace; to regard as; to think; to pawn; (coll.) to fail (a student) New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chines...