“Pawprint”主要指动物留下的爪印,也代指特定宠物品牌。该词在英语中描述动物足迹,发音为英式/ˈpɔː ˌprɪnt/、美式/ˈpɑ
YOU NAME IT... WE PRINT IT... PAWPRINT 5,000 BUSINESS CARDS $140 16PT - FULL COLOR - DOUBLE SIDED e-mail : print@pawprintamerica.com ORDER TODAY! 718-954-1130
爪印(pawprint), 此释义来源于网络辞典。基于10个网页-相关网页 On holiday in Alaska, they made moulds of a wolf's pawprint, …dict.youdao.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,动物的足迹,手印,爪印 更多例句筛选 1. When they go shopping, she teaches them economics. On holiday in Alaska, they...
pawprint 手(爪)印 最新单词 autonomics什么意思及同义词 n. 自动系统程序控制研究 autonomic什么意思及同义词 a. 自治的,自律的 autonavigator的中文意思 自动导航仪; 自动领航仪 autonarcosis的中文意思 自我麻醉 automutilation的中文释义 自残 automount是什么意思 自动安装 automotive是什么意思 a. 汽车...
Suite B Charlottesville, VA 22902 434.964.0133 Get directions winter HOURs Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 11 AM – 6:00 PM 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM 11:30 AM – 6:30 PM 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM ...
amarkmade by thepaw(=foot)of ananimalsuch as acat,dog, orbearwhen itwalksacrossasurface, or apicturerepresentingamarklike this:(动物的)爪印;爪印图案 There werepawprintsin thesnow.雪地上有爪印。 He wasdressedinwhitepyjamaswithblackpawprints.他穿着印有黑色爪印图案的白色睡衣。 More examples The...
Paw-print stickers(爪印贴纸)是一种以动物爪印为设计元素的贴纸产品,具有丰富的用途、多样的种类和广泛的适用场景。以下是对
Define Pawprint. Pawprint synonyms, Pawprint pronunciation, Pawprint translation, English dictionary definition of Pawprint. n. 1. An outline or indentation left by a foot on a surface. Also called footmark , footstep . 2. The surface space occupied by a