毛泡桐:泡桐科 Paulowniaceae >> 泡桐属 Paulownia,大乔木,高达20米;叶心形,长达40厘米;小聚伞花序,花萼外被绒毛,花冠紫色;花期4-5月;中国特有树种,常见栽培。 û收藏 1 评论 ñ8 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
paulowniaceae网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 paulowniaceae网络泡桐科 网络释义 1. 泡桐科 泡桐_互动百科 ... 目:唇形目( Lamiales) 科:泡桐科( Paulowniaceae)属:泡桐属( Paulownia) ... www.baike.com|基于964个网页 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft...
paulownia (redirected fromPaulowniaceae) Encyclopedia pau·low·ni·a (pô-lō′nē-ə) n. Any of several deciduous trees of the genusPaulownia,native to East Asia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior. Also...
Paulowniaceae is sister to the Orobanchaceae, a primarily hemi-holoparasitic plant family, except for the clade of herbaceous genera Lindenbergia, Rehmannia, and Triaenophora. This clade of non-parasitic plants within Orobanchaceae are most closely related to Paulownia. Sister to the Orobanchaceae-Pa...
The maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses do not support a close relationship between Wightia and Paulownia of Paulowniaceae; instead the enigmatic Wightia is sister to Phrymaceae with strong support in all analyses. Hence Wightia should not be placed in Paulowniaceae. Because morphological ...
Grawth discrepancy between filament and style facilitates self-fertilization in Brandisia hancei(Paulowniaceae). REN Y Q,XU Y P,ZHANG T,et al. Plant Species Biology .REN Y Q,XU Y P,ZHANG T,et al.Growth discrepancy between filament and style facilitates self-fertilization in Brandisia hancei...
2011: Ontogeny of the flowers in Paulownia tomentosa -- a contribution to the recognition of the resurrected monogeneric family Paulowniaceae. -- FloraErbar C, G}ulden C (2011) Ontogeny of the flowers in Paulownia tomentosa--a contribution to the recognition of the resur- rected monogeneric...
Given that all species are reported here for the first time on Paulownia, Koch's postulates were satisfied inoculating the three Phytophthora species and two Botryosphaeriaceae at the collar of the stem of potted 1-year-old rooted cuttings in June 2023. Thirty days after inoculation...
Erbar C, C Gulden 2011 Ontogeny of the flowers in Paulownia tomentosa--a contribution to the recognition of the resurrected monogeneric family Paulowniaceae. Flora 206:205-218.Erbar C, Gulden C. 2011. Ontogeny of the flowers in Paulownia tomentosa--A contribution to the recognition of the ...
PaulowniaceaePaulownia coreanaPaulownia tomentosachloroplast genomeThe nucleotide sequence of the two chloroplast (cp) genomes from Paulownia coreana and P. tomentosa are the first to be completed in genus Paulownia of family Paulowniaceae. The structure of two Paulownia cp genomes shows similar ...