First of all, Most if not all of the Royal Empress trees for sale are not fertile. They are a very prestigious tree which can mature very quickly. If you are looking for a mature tree for your yard in a few years, this one is perfect. The wood from the tree is very valuable, and...
However, Paulownia is one of the few trees possessing this unique ability! Source: North Carolina State University 0 Reply Eric Author Reply to Gary Fink 1 month ago Thanks for this reference, I just read over some articles, and it is a fascinating subject. However, I did note that ...
The wood is very light, soft, and warp-resistant so is used extensively in Asia for making wooden chests (including coffins), musical instruments, and wooden shoes. We have had customers request long straight limbs to use in making surfboards. Paulownia are considered to be deep rooted trees ...
However, due toa highsilica content in some trees, the wood can have a strong blunting effect on cutting edges. Takes a wide variety of glues, stains, and finishes well. Odor:No characteristic odor. Allergies/Toxicity:Therehavebeen no adverse health effects associated with Paulownia. See the ...