paulownia tomentosa 读音:美英 paulownia tomentosa基本解释 毛泡桐;泡桐;锈毛泡桐 分词解释 paulownia桐
Paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa) Common Name(s): Paulownia, Royal Paulownia, Princess Tree, Kiri Scientific Name: Paulownia tomentosa Distribution: Native to eastern Asia; also planted in eastern North America Tree Size: 30-65 ft (10-20 m) tall, 2-4 ft (.6-1.2 m) trunk diameter Average ...
Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. Nomencl. Bot. 2: 278. 1841; 东北木本植物图志492.图版157: 393. 1955; S. Y. Hu, 1. c. 37. 1959; 中国高等植物图鉴4: 12. 图5437. 1975. ——Bignonia tomentosa Thunb. Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 4: 35. 39. 1783. ——Incarvillea tomento...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook princess tree (redirected fromPaulownia tomentosa) Wikipedia princess tree n. Seepaulownia. [AfterPrincessAnna Paulovna (1795-1865), queen of William II of the Netherlands.] ...
毛泡桐(PAULOWNIA TOMENTOSA)叶提取物 英文名称:PAULOWNIA TOMENTOSA LEAF EXTRACT 成分别名: CAS号: 使用目的:头发调理剂;收敛剂;皮肤调理剂 安全风险:1 致痘风险:无 成分简介 来源于毛泡桐的叶子,其提取物中含有泡桐甙、毛蕊花甙和熊果酸等成分。具有较强的杀菌作用,可用于护发产品中,去除头屑困扰。用于护肤产...
Paulownia tomentosa, a member of the plant family Paulowniaceae and a rich source of biologically active secondary metabolites, is traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicine. Flavonoids, lignans, phenolic glycosides, quinones, terpenoids, glycerides, phenolic acids, and miscellaneous other compounds hav...
照片 关于 公用女皇系列花名字paulownia公主毛地黄tomentosa结构树. 图片 包括有 装饰, 春天, 公主 - 20601477