paulownia词态变化 复数:paulownias 词组短语 1.Paulowniatomentosa毛泡桐;紫花泡桐;玄参科植物毛泡桐;泡桐 2.Paulowniaelongata兰考泡桐 3.paulowniakawakamii台湾泡桐 4.PaulowniaFlower Bride油桐花新娘 5.Paulowniafortunei白花泡桐;泡桐 6.paulowniawood泡桐木
“Free Shipping on all Wood Packs” Additional freight to Hawaii & cannot ship over 72″ Cold Tolerant =Paulownia Super Select Arctic™ Drought Tolerant =Paulownia Super Select Elongata™ Clay Tolerant =Paulownia Super Select Fortunei™
Density of paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) wood is quite low (0.26 g/cm3) in comparison to many common hardwoods like beech, oak, hornbeam, and ironwood [49]. Low density strands disturb the interface bond strength and require high compaction to reduce porosity and combination of locked-in ...
6) Paulownia tomentosa×P.fortunei 毛泡桐×白花泡桐 参考词条 泡桐花油 泡桐甲素 泡桐花 白花泡桐 兰考泡桐 泡桐网蝽 泡桐叶甲 泡桐材色 泡桐属 泡桐蛛蛾 泡桐种类 泡桐研究 多谐波失真模型 集装箱渡箱 补充资料:泡桐木皮 【通用名称】 泡桐木皮 【其他名称】 泡桐木皮 (《陕西中草药》) 【来源】 为紫葳...
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PAULOWNIA FORTUNEI WOOD IMPMPREGNATED WITH SILVER, COPPER AND ZINC OXIDE NANOPARTICLES[J] . Akhtari, M,Ghorbani-Kokandeh, M,Taghiyari, H R.EN . 2012 (4)Akhtari, M.; Ghorbani-Kokandeh, M.; Taghiyari, H.R. 2012a. Mechanical properties of Paulownia fortunei wood...
5) Paulownia fortunei 泡桐 1. A Study on the Mixed Effect of the MixedPaulownia fortunei-Phyllostachys heterocycla Plantation; 泡桐毛竹混交林混交效果试验研究 2. The Mixed Effect Analysis ofPaulownia fortuneiMixed Forests and Study on the Planting Techniques; ...
The chemical structure of the milled-wood lignin isolated from Paulownia fortunei wood was investigated. The lignins were characterized by analytical pyrolysis and two-dimensional NMR that indicated a predominance of guaiacyl (G) over syringyl (S) units, and only showed small amounts of p-hydroxyphe...
Kiri wood is light and soft. In China and Japan it is used for making musical instruments, furniture, and small articles. REFERENCE Derev’ia i kustarniki SSSR,vol. 6. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All ...
In this research, the feasibility of producing flexible plywood employing combinations of poplar (Populus deltoides) and Paulownia (Paulownia fortunei) veneers with thickness of 1 and 2 mm was investigated. For this aim, layer combinations, treatment type, and the resin type were chosen as variables...
Isolation and structural characterization of the milled-wood lignin from Paulownia fortunei wood Heavy metal distribution between contaminated soil and Paulownia tomentosa , in a pilot-scale assisted phytoremediation study: Influ... PkMADS1 is a novel MADS box gene regulating adventitious shoot induction...