Ground beef and casseroles are a match made in heaven, and, boy, does Paula have some great ground beef casserole recipes up her sleeve! From baked pasta recipes and shepherd’s pie recipes with ground beef to her incredibly kid-friendly Cheeseburger Casserole recipe, these ground beef cassero...
Corn Casserole Green Bean Casserole Phyllo-Wrapped Asparagus Vidalia Onion Pie Green Beans with Walnuts, Cranberries, and Blue Cheese Turkey/Chicken Stuffing Oyster Dressing Southern Cornbread Stuffing Wayne’s Cranberry Sauce Cranberry Salad Buttery Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes Aunt Peggy’s Sweet Potato Souf...
Meat-o-Rama Pizza Burger: ground beef patty stuffed with Mozzarella cheese, diced tomatoes and pizza sauce, and topped with pepperoni and bacon. 7. Caesar Burger: ground beef seasoned with garlic and black pepper, accented with Caesar dressing, romaine lettuce and avocado slices. 8. Brocco Burg...
Cheesy Garden Casserole ByPaula Deen 1 reviews•0 questions cheesycomfort foodpotlucksouthern cookingvegetables Difficulty:Easy Prep time:30 minutes Cook time:30 minutes Servings:6-8 PrintSaveShare Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 large cut into 1/4-inch slices Vidalia onion...
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And while we wish we could make something for you, we can at least provide you with a prep-ahead Christmas breakfast casserole recipe that we know your whole family will love! This recipe is perfect to prep on Christmas Eve and bake off in the morning! To get started, you’ll need the...