” inJenseits des Eurozentrismus: Postkoloniale Perspektiven in den Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, eds. Sebastian Conrad and Shalini Randeria (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2002), 340; Pollock, Sheldon, “Deep Orientalism? Notes on Sanskrit and Power Beyond the Raj,”inOrientalism and the Po...
Richard Van Rob van den Brand Robert Mason Roger Davis Rolf Bratli Rollie Cole Ron Armour Sarah Hurty Sarah Tatoun Scott Stratten Sean Marler Sgt. Richard White Shirley Bass Simon Hurst Sissi Haner Stephan Iscoe Steve Conn Steven Fullman ...
In the workshop onGenerative Near-Symbolic AI, Frank van Harmelen gave an excellent talk (“Neuro-symbolic ≠ Neuro-semantic”) focused on the point that semantics – as defined as predictable inference – is not really captured/used by neural representations. You can see a similar talkhere. ...
Paul Stavert;Michiel Bosch;Maarten Diederix;Koen van den Dungen;Meagan Kerr;Mitchel Veloo;Erwin van Strien;Gert Ververs;Max Nossin;Bjørn Andreassen;Anouk Bras;
Lessen vanaf 9/11 in Den Bosch en Amsterdam Van impuls tot scène: 18 sessies train je om op je impuls te acteren. Leer werken vanuit je tegenspeler en maak je acteren onvoorspelbaar, scherp en levensecht. We starten in september. ...
Matt Hall & John Watkinson, Primavera de Filippi, Robbie Barrat & Harm van den Dorpel https://www.katevassgalerie.com/usr/documents/exhibitions/press_release_url/26/kate_vass_press_release1_upd.pdf 2019 Chance and Control: Art in the Age of Computers, June 7th- September 8th, 2019, The ...
39 The symbol of fire had long been present in Adoration scenes in the Netherlands, such as the panel attributed to Jheronimus Bosch in the Metropolitan Museum.40 van Marnix van Sint Aldegonde’s quoted critique on Dry Coninghen (Three Kings) did not end with the problem of gift giving: ...
Blin, K.; Shaw, S.; Kloosterman, A.M.; Charlop-Powers, Z.; Van Wezel, G.P.; Medema, M.H.; Weber, T. antiSMASH 6.0: Improving cluster detection and comparison capabilities. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021, 49, W29–W35. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Araujo, F.A.; Barh, D...