Paul Gauguin Cruises was created with the intent to provide enjoyable and meaningful travel experiences to this unique part of the planet. We care deeply, not only for our guests, but for the communities, cultures and natural wonders that make Tahiti, French Polynesia, and the South Pacific so...
Paul Gauguin Cruises was created with the intent to provide enjoyable and meaningful travel experiences to this unique part of the planet. We care deeply, not only for our guests, but for the communities, cultures and natural wonders that make Tahiti, French Polynesia, and the South Pacific so...
Daniel Wildenstein will include this watercolor in his forthcoming Gauguincatalogue raisonné. With only four francs left in his pockets, Gauguin returned to France at the end of August 1893 from his first stay in Tahiti. He took rooms in Paris and in mid-September persuaded the dealer Paul Dur...
Paul Gauguin's adventure in Tahiti and the South Pacific was to find paradise- a paradise of his own making. I will be exploring Paul Gauguin and his Tahitian fantasy of the "other" as a component of Western formation of the "Noble Savage." Gauguin participated in creating and fostering ...
保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin,1848—1903)法国后印象派画家、雕塑家,与梵高、塞尚并称为后印象派三大巨匠。 Still Life With Teapot And Fruits 代表作品有《我们从哪里来?我们是什么?我们到哪里去?》《黄色的基督》《游魂》《敬神节》等。保罗·高更生于法国巴黎,年轻时做过海员,后成为一名股票经纪人。
OH卡欧卡PAUL GAUGUIN TAHITI大溪地画家卡潜意识心灵图卡投射卡 0条评论 当当价降价通知 ¥53.90 配送至 北京 至北京市东城区 服务 由“百盛礼享专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。 颜色 百盛礼享专营店 进入店铺收藏店铺 商品详情 型号:30236 所属分类:文化创意用品>娱乐衍生品>卡通动漫周边>卡牌/挂件/文具...
Tête d'une Femme Tahitienne 简介 保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin) 简介 保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin) 野性的探险:高更 Paul Gauguin 1848 ~ 1903 French高更与塞尚、梵谷合称“后印象主义三杰”,现代艺术史上生平最多采多姿、引人入胜的一位印象派后期画家。高更的艺术创作生涯充满了冒险与传奇,为追求心中理想的艺术王国...
保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)高清作品《塔希提公路》 作品名:塔希提公路 艺术家:保罗·高更 年代:1891;法属波利尼西亚 风格:分隔主义 类型:景观 材质:布面油彩 标签:动物,道路和车辆,民间建筑,塔希提,步行,山脉 Title:Road in Tahiti artist:Paul Gauguin
保罗·高更(Paul Gauguin)高清作品《众神之日》 作品名:众神之日 原名:马哈纳无阿图亚 艺术家:保罗·高更 年代:1894 风格:分隔主义 类型:寓言画 材质:布面油彩 标签:寓言和符号,塔希提 收藏:芝加哥艺术学院,芝加哥,IL,美国 1893年高更回到法国时,他大部分时间都在巴黎宣传他的作品和写作,并举例说明诺亚,诺亚是他...
Upon moving to Tahiti, Gauguin was disappointed to find that French colonial authorities had westernized much of the island, so he chose to settle among the native peoples, and away from the Europeans living in the capital. Around this time, Gauguin borrowed from the native culture, as well ...